
On my Desk


For Fun

  • Rubiks Cube 3x3
  • Rubiks Cube 4x4
  • Rubber Ducky
  • 3D Printed Gridfinity

On my Computer

For Making Stuff

  • VSCode
  • iTerm2 w/ Oh My Zsh
  • TablePlus
  • Firefox
  • Min - useful for taking browser screenshots since the UI is minimal
  • Ray - helpful for debugging when I don't want to drop dd() everywhere
  • Invoker - what I use for side projects instead of building an admin panel
  • HELO - go-to app for testing emails
  • Sublime Merge - my git gui of choice
  • Transmit - some side clients prefer FTP, so this makes it easier
  • Laravel Valet - so I don't have to bother with Docker
  • DBngin - manages databases so I don't have to worry about it
  • ImageOptim - minifys images so they're not HUGE
  • Webp Converter - makes images a different format cause that's what the cool kids are doing these days ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  • Contrast - helps make sure the contrast of text/background is good
  • PHP Monitor - easy php version switcher and lets you know which version you are on in the navbar
  • Prusa Slicer

For Everything Else

  • 1Password
  • Affinity Designer
  • Alfred
  • Spotify
  • Minecraft
  • Obsidian
  • Timeular - helps me keep track of what I'm working on when and keeps myself accountable (I don't love it, but since I paid for a lifetime account I'll keep using it)


  • Bartender - Keeps the menu bar neat and tidy
  • Flux - I get migraines a lot, and it makes the color of my computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day which helps reduce the number of my migraines (in addition to the blue light filter in my glasses)
  • Itsycal - adds a Windows like calendar view to the menu bar